Thank you for choosing to donate to the Health Communities Foundation Australia Ltd. 

Everyone deserves to live the healthiest life possible. But our health and well-being depend on many factors that are often outside of our control: the environment, employment, housing, education and more.

Communities do not fully control these factors, but with education and support we can learn how to take action locally to influence them for the better.  We know that when communities are supported to take charge of finding solutions, programs are more likely to be successful and continue over time.

A community-led 'Park Run' can improve participation in exercise. A Parents & Citizens Committee can identify new ways to increase school attendance that will work locally.  Local businesses can band together to support apprenticeships that they may not be able to deliver alone. 

The Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that works nationwide to improve community health and social care by facilitating innovative partnerships between communities, NGOs, business and government, and delivering programs and services, to research and address the social determinants of health.

Every dollar you give helps us to provide disadvantaged communities and groups with the tools to take charge of their futures and drive local improvements in health, education, crime and poverty.  

By giving you are helping to make sure that the most vulnerable Australians have the tools they need.  At the Foundation our goal is to offer a hand up, rather than a hand out.

Community Development for Health

Our goal is to empower communities to lead the change they need to make to build a better future for their children.

Better Access to Integrated Health

Improving access for disadvantaged communities and groups to integrated people-centred care.

More local jobs and opportunities

Supporting education, training and business incubation to create meaningful work for disadvantaged people.

Better Education

Improving educational participation, attainment and aspiration to grow local economies and address the social determinants of disadvantage.

Build local capacity

Empowering communities to lead change by providing the tools, expertise amd support for community-led change.

Our Impact

20+ years

Established as a charity in 2001, the Foundation has been working with disadvantaged communities and groups for more than 20 years.


The Foundation supports more than 300 disadvantaged communities around Australia to access essential health and social supports.


Today we ensure access to essential health and social care for more than 500,000 people who would have gone without.

~2 million

We have provided more than 2 million occassions of care over 20 years.

$131 million

The amount of money the Foundation has invested in disadvantaged communities and groups.

Collarenebri Community Development Plan

The Collarenebri Community Hub is an initiative of the Foundation in collaboration with the Gamilaroi and Aboriginal people of Collarenebri in remote NSW.  The Collarenebri community is one of the poorest in Australia and lacks access to adequate health, food and other essential services needed to support a positive and prosperous life.  The Foundation supported the development of a Community Development for Health Plan setting out a 10 year vision for addressing the drivers of poor health, education and economic outcomes in the community.  Your donation will help fund initiatives under this Plan, giving vulnerable kids a fair chance.

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Improving understanding of the effects of alcohol on the development of babies

The Fetal Alcohol Community Education program is part of the FASDNSW initiative.  Your donation will help us to expand our community-based educational programs to more schools, PCYC, community centres and health services to reduce the incidence of FASD and give our kids a brighter future.

Reducing suicide through rural and Aboriginal community education

The suicide rate in rural and remote communities in Australia is 2.2 times higher than the rate in our cities in 2020. Among Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, suicide accounted for 5.5 percent of deaths in 2020.  Three-quarters of these deaths were among Aboriginal males. Deaths by suicide are3 times higher for Aboriginal children and young people compared to the rate for non-Indigenous people.  Your donation will help us to expand our 'Training Room' suicide prevention education programs targeting young rural and Aboriginal boys and girls to even more communities.

Ensuring dignity for older Australians

Lack of access to GPs and health care means that many  elderly Australians are forced to leave their home community to access aged care, losing their family and friend support networks. The HealthAccess Aged Care Program aims to keep as many Nursing Home residents in their own communities by improving access to health and medical care. Without any government support for this service, we desperately need your help to continue to provide essential care to older Australians in their own communities.  

Supporting integrated people-centred care

For many disadvantaged communities and groups getting access to essential health care is hard.  The Remote Integrated and Collaborative Care (RICH) Program was established by the Foundation to develop new ways to deliver continuity of care to disadvantaged communities and groups using a mix of traditional service delivery and digital health.  Your donation will help us to continue to trial new approaches to delivering care to Australia's most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities and groups.